fredag 13 mars 2015

The role of the Kestrophedrone on the battlefield

I think that the Kestrophedrone was used as skirmishers to harass the enemy, much like normal slinger. What is special with the Kendros is that it shoots darts, which had sharp points. The advantage of having a sharp point instead of blunt stone is (if darts beave like arrows), according to an article in the latest Slingshot (Issue 298 "Behind the Curve - Archery in Wargames"), that mail armour and shields give no or almost no protection against arrows. If this is correct, and it can also be applied for darts, then this was a virtual anti-Roman weapon!

Because the Roman legionnaires used mail armour and shields, the main reason behind developing Kestros could  have been to counder their heavy protection. Since Makedonia had a lot of shepherds who were used to slings, but not bows, it would most likely be easier to give them a sling that shoot arrows instead of re-train them into archers.

Why did the weapon disappear from use? My guess is that it was a pure military weapon deployed against troops in mail armor with little civilian use. After Makedonia's defeat the country was de-militarized and had no need for it any more. A normal sling was most likely more effective against Thracian raiders or wolves than the Kestros. And as it was much more complicated than normal slings it was soon forgotten.

It is not clear exactly how the Kestros was used, here is a little different version than my.
Picture (c) by Johnny Shumate

A Big Thank you to Nick Harbud who wrote the excellent article about archery in the latest Slingshot! Thanks!

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